Nancy Drew The Complete Series

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · David Knox

Private Planes Piper Cub

Top Seller The Piper J-3 Cub was first introduced to the flying public in 1938. A high-wing two-seater, it could putt-putt along at 60 mph with its 40-hp engine. Like many small planes of the day, it had a framework of steel tubing covered with cotton fabric. In the fashion of Henry Ford’s Model T, it was available in only one color: bright yellow, with a black lightning stripe down the side....

February 12, 2023 · 2 min · 401 words · Clarence Smith


Igneous rocks are formed when molten rock (magma) from within Earth cools and solidifies. There are two types: intrusive igneous rocks solidify beneath Earth’s surface; extrusive igneous rocks solidify at the surface. Examples: Granite, basalt, obsidianSedimentary rocks are formed when sediment (bits of rock plus material such as shells and sand) gets packed together. They can take millions of years to form. Most rocks that you see on the ground are sedimentary....

February 12, 2023 · 1 min · 195 words · Russell Nichols

Saint Kieran

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Anthony Brady

Some Facts About Eclipses

Lunar eclipses do not occur as frequently as total solar eclipses, but they are visible from anywhere on the side of Earth facing the Moon during the evening. A total solar eclipse can only be seen from a narrow band about a hundred miles wide at most, and while up to seven of these a year are not unusual, they frequently occur over the most inaccessible regions on the planet....

February 12, 2023 · 1 min · 157 words · Christine Weeks

The Israeli Palestinian Conflict Biographies Of Key Figures

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Kimberly Brewer

Top 10 Vinyl Albums 2008

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Ralph Williams

U S Constitution Page 1

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Harry Wei

Vincent Van Gogh

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Kevin Nicholas

Waste Not Water Not

Don’t pour water down the drain. Instead, use it to water your plants or garden.Fix dripping faucets. One drop per second wastes 2,700 gallons of water per year! Take shorter showers and turn off the water while you lather up. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing your face. Run dishwashers only when they are fully loaded. The light-wash feature uses less water.When hand-washing dishes, use two containers-one with soapy water for washing and the other with plain water for rinsing....

February 12, 2023 · 1 min · 141 words · Geneva Leblanc

Weapons That Changed Warfare

The crossbow was invented in China but developed into a significant weapon in medieval Europe. With a mechanism for holding the drawn bow until it was ready to release, it propelled arrows with tremendous force as far as 350-400 yards. The crossbow allowed soldiers to fire from great distances and avoid close contact with the enemy. Swords, which had to be used at close range, were no match. The discovery of gunpowder led to the development of cannons in the 1300s....

February 12, 2023 · 2 min · 270 words · Kimberly Mcfarlane

Where In The World Do Animals Live

North America Alligator, Arctic fox, Arctic tern, Bald eagle, Bison, California condor, California sea tern, Dall sheep, Musk ox, North American grey squirrel, Raven, Snapping turtle, Wild turkey South America Alpaca, Darwin’s finch, Flightless cormorant, Giant tortoise, Llama, Maned wolf, Marine iguana, Sloth, Torrent duck, Toucan, Vicuña Europe Reindeer, Scottish wildcat, Wild goat Africa Aardvark, Aardwolf, Aye-aye, Camel, Chimpanzee, Giraffe, Green gecko, Hippopotamus, Hyena, Indri, Lion, Rufed lemur, Spitting cobra, Tsetse fly Asia Asiatic lion, Giant panda, Komodo dragon, Przewalski’s horse, Snow leopard, Zeren Australia and New Zealand Archie’s frog, Dingo, Duck-billed platypus, Emu, Kakapo, Kiwi, Koala, Quokka, Short-nosed rat kangaroo, Short-tailed wallaby, Tasmanian devil Antarctica Adélie penguin, Penguin, Ross seal, Weddell seal

February 12, 2023 · 1 min · 113 words · Jesse Corey

Why Build Green

The construction industry consumes a large quantity of energy and resources and creates a huge amount of pollution. In the United States, building and development account for 39% of the country’s total energy use, 12% of total water consumption, 68% of total electricity consumption, and 38% of carbon dioxide emissions, according to the Environment Protection Agency. Benefits of building green Green buildings use less energy, water, create less waste, and are healthier to live, work, or go to school in than standard buildings....

February 12, 2023 · 3 min · 485 words · Kyle Tornow

Why Do Men Go Bald

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Whitney Allen

Winter Olympics Medal Standings

Curling Preview Figure Skating Preview Ice Hockey Preview Speed Skating Preview Speed Skating Preview More Winter Olympics Features

February 12, 2023 · 1 min · 18 words · Reid Young

Year In Review 2005 Quizzes

February 12, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Harold Boehme

You And Your Cat

While every cat is different, there is still a common code of expression—a set of signals—that you can learn to read easily. Pay attention to the look in the eyes, the tone of the voice, and the position of the ears. Cat body language is largely universal, with some variations from cat to cat. There are ways to bridge the gap between human and feline understanding. Approaching the cat from the side (most cats don’t like to be approached from the front), put one hand firmly under the armpits of the front legs, and lift....

February 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1088 words · Roy Klapp

1970 Grammy Awards

February 11, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Violet Malinoski

1984 Grammy Awards

February 11, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Gerard Darnley

1988 Cma Awards

February 11, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Andrew Sims